
Leading HCPT, the Board of Trustees has two roles:

  • safeguarding the operations and upholding the ethos of HCPT for its pilgrims today; and
  • providing HCPT with a strategy that will see it develop and continue to operate for pilgrims in the future

The Board is made up of non-executive volunteers, drawn from across the organisation and with a variety of skills, experience and capabilities.

Emma Derby

Emma Derby


Emma is a senior leader in the marine and defence sector. She first travelled with HCPT in 1998 with Group 171 (Lancashire) and became leader of the group in 2005. Emma joined the board of trustees in 2017, became Vice Chair in 2019 and is the first female Chairperson in our history.

  • Compliance, Governance & Risk Committee
  • Finance & Audit Committee
  • Human Resources & Remuneration Committee Chair
Fr Damian Cassidy

Fr Damian Cassidy

Fr Damian is involved in an initiative to begin a new Carmelite community in the Northeast of England. He has the pastoral care of three parishes on the outskirts of Newcastle upon Tyne. His experience of pilgrimage ministry is extensive, both as a priest accompanying groups to World Youth Days, parish and HCPT groups to Lourdes and having lived in and directed the Shrine of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Simon Stock at Aylesford in Kent. He was invited to join the Board of Trustees in 2023 as Deputy Trust Chaplain.

  • Trust Chaplain
  • Spiritual Development Committee
Tina Kearney

Tina Kearney

Tina has worked in education for all of her career, within the specialist provision sector. She is currently the Head Teacher of a special school in Essex that caters for pupils aged 3–19 who have severe and complex learning needs. She has travelled with HCPT since the late 90's, with most of that time as the leader of Group 26, although she has recently retired from this role and is enjoying being a helper again. She also held the post of Met East Regional Chair and has therefore experienced the work of the Trust through different lenses. She has recently joined the Board of Trustees.

  • Safeguarding & Conduct Committee
Fiona McCormack

Fiona McCormack

  • Governance, Risk & Compliance Committee
Clare O'Brien

Clare O'Brien

Clare is a Chartered Accountant who has spent 10 years in a professional services firm advising listed, multi-national clients on different aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions. She studied French & Spanish at King's College London and has been a member of Group 133 in the Merseyside Region for over 15 years, recently taking on the role of Group Leader

  • Finance & Audit Committee
  • Property Assets Sub-Committee
Dr Christopher O’Dowd-Booth

Dr Christopher O’Dowd-Booth

Chris is a registrar in trauma and orthopaedic surgery, first travelling with HCPT as a youth helper in Easter 2004 in group 711. Since 2007 returning for each Easter Pilgrimage, with Groups 1, 24 and 707. Since 2013 he has been part of the HCPT cycle both cycling and providing medical support. In 2017, he took the role as regional doctor for the London Beaumont Region.

  • Medical & Nursing Committee Chair
Charlie O'Sullivan

Charlie O'Sullivan

Co-Vice Chair

Charlie first travelled with HCPT in 2013 as a young helper within a service group. He then became Group Leader of 721, one of HCPT's Easter Service Groups, and has more recently become Group Leader of Group 531, a Summer group based in our Met South East Region. Charlie is a Director of Safeguarding for a multi-academy trust in the South East. Charlie has extensive experience in safeguarding and HR. Charlie joined the Board in 2022.

  • Safeguarding and Conduct Committee Chair
  • Human Resources & Remuneration Committee
Carl Pandole

Carl Pandole

Carl is an in-house legal and business affairs manager for a leading television production company, advising on a range of commercial and compliance matters. He has travelled with HCPT Group 115 since 2000, taking on various roles spanning helper, deputy and group leader. He joined the HCPT Board in 2019.

  • Compliance, Governance & Risk Committee
  • HR & Remuneration Committee
Diane Reid

Diane Reid

Co-Vice Chair

Diane is Chair of Lakeland Arts, Vice Chair of the Association of Chairs and former Vice Chair of MAG, an NGO which clears landmines around the world; she is also an Executive Coach and Business Mentor. She joined HCPT's Easter pilgrimage for the first time in 1995, setting up the BBC Songs of Praise programme she produced for HCPT's 40th anniversary the following year. She has volunteered in the HCPT Central Support Team nearly every Easter since then, and also travels as a helper with Group 510 in the summer.

  • Compliance, Governance & Risk Committee Chair
  • Human Resources & Remuneration Committee
  • Property Assets Sub-Committee
Tim Righton

Tim Righton

Tim is a chartered accountant, and currently Head of Finance for a unified communications group. He has travelled with HCPT since 2003 and has been a member of Group 194 (Wigan) along with his family. Tim joined the Board in 2016, where he puts his experience of finance and risk management to good use.

  • Finance & Audit Committee Chair
  • Investments Committee
Helen Young

Helen Young

Helen works for Birmingham Women's and Birmingham Children's Foundation Trusts, as Executive Director of Maternity and New-born Transformation. She is a Visiting Professor at Birmingham City University, a Florence Nightingale Leadership Scholar, and Harvard University Graduate.

She is Group Nurse for HCPT Group 148, and HCPT Midlands Regional Nurse. She is also a Trustee and Chief Nurse for ACROSS.

  • Chief Nursing Advisor
  • Medical & Nursing Committee